Call for Applications: Awards for ALAEQ students and young scientists to attend the 35th ISCE Conference

Dear ALAEQ members,

We are contacting you to announce a new travel grant offered by ISCE to stimulate ALAEQ young scientists (including graduate students) to participate in the ISCE 35th Annual Meeting to be held in Atlanta, Georgia, US, between June 2-7, 2019 (

To be considered, you must submit your abstract to the ISCE 2019 Conference website by March 1st, 2019. Simultaneously, you must submit a single pdf file including the information described below, to ALAEQ’s Secretary ( The same deadline of March 1st applies.

The pdf file must include:

– Name, affiliation, e-mail, a short CV (no longer than 3 pages, including awarded or ongoing degrees, publications, and presentations), applicant’s signature, date, dated and signed letter of support from the applicant’s senior adviser (i.e., for students and post-docs, the advisor needs to indicate that they have seen and approve of the submission).

– Title and abstract of the presentation (as submitted in the web page of the event).

– Travel budget with quotes if possible, alternate sources of travel funds (obtained and applied for).

Eligibility criteria: Applicants must fit the following criteria:

• Applications are accepted from graduate students, postdocs or early career scientists, within four years of obtaining their PhD.

• Applicants must be registered members of ALAEQ, and are expected to become ISCE members before the ISCE conference in Atlanta.

• Applicants must present an oral (preferred) or poster presentation at the meeting.

Applicants will be notified by mid-March, allowing time before the deadline for registration to the conference in early May. Given the allocated budget, two travel grants will be offered, which will partially cover the expenses.

For additional questions, feel free to contact

Best regards,


Latin American Association of Chemical Ecology (ALAEQ)